I had my first experience with royal icing when making Easter cookies this year and I must say that it was a very positive experience. Just look at how cute these little egg shaped bunnies turned out!
I must give a HUGE thank you to Callye over at The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle.
She makes the most AMAZING cookies and has provided wonderful recipes and tutorials on her blog. I used her sugar cookie recipe and followed her super tips to make the softest, most yummy sugar cookies. Then I went to town with her royal icing recipe and tips to decorate these cute little things.

She makes the most AMAZING cookies and has provided wonderful recipes and tutorials on her blog. I used her sugar cookie recipe and followed her super tips to make the softest, most yummy sugar cookies. Then I went to town with her royal icing recipe and tips to decorate these cute little things.
I was so happy with how these cookies turned out. They tasted just as great as they looked.
And because I was already making cookies, the K-ster had to get in on the action. So I let her cut out a bunch of cookies to give to her cousins for Easter and I decorated them for her to practice with the royal icing. They turned out pretty darn cute too, if I may say so.
(Please excuse the quality of some of these photos. I was in a huge hurry to photograph them and did not get many great shots.)
A butterfly.
A bunny face.
A chick.
A fatter version of my egg shaped bunny.
A flower.
A skinny bunny.
(This was actually supposed to be a carrot, but the leaves broke off after it was baked, so I worked with what I had.)
Cute and delicious. Who could ask for more?