April 13, 2012

Easter Cookies

I had my first experience with royal icing when making Easter cookies this year and I must say that it was a very positive experience. Just look at how cute these little egg shaped bunnies turned out!

I must give a HUGE thank you to Callye over at The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle.

Sweet Sugar Belle

She makes the most AMAZING cookies and has provided wonderful recipes and tutorials on her blog. I used her sugar cookie recipe and followed her super tips to make the softest, most yummy sugar cookies. Then I went to town with her royal icing recipe and tips to decorate these cute little things.

I was so happy with how these cookies turned out. They tasted just as great as they looked.

And because I was already making cookies, the K-ster had to get in on the action. So I let her cut out a bunch of cookies to give to her cousins for Easter and I decorated them for her to practice with the royal icing. They turned out pretty darn cute too, if I may say so.
(Please excuse the quality of some of these photos. I was in a huge hurry to photograph them and did not get many great shots.)

A butterfly.

A bunny face.

A chick.

A fatter version of my egg shaped bunny.

A flower.

A skinny bunny.
(This was actually supposed to be a carrot, but the leaves broke off after it was baked, so I worked with what I had.)

Cute and delicious. Who could ask for more?

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April 9, 2012

Seersucker Skirt

So, I know I haven't posted in awhile, but as many of you probably understand, life sometimes gets in the way of the things we want and love to do. Fortunately for me, I've still been able to sew and craft, but I just haven't had much time to blog about it.

So my "returning post" is to show off this super cute, seersucker ruffle skirt.

I must admit that I was never the biggest fan of seersucker. But when I came across this wonderful tutorial over at Dana's blog Made, I suddenly fell in love with the fabric. So I ran over to Joann's and picked out this cute purple with white polka dots.

The main thing about Dana's skirt that I loved as much as the seersucker was that she finished the hem simply by serging the edge. Lucky for me, my wonderful aunt (thank you!!) has allowed me to borrow her serger to try out before buying one of my own. This was my first project using the Serger. My response? DEAR SWEET SERGER, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN MY ENTIRE LIFE?

Anyway, I love how the skirt turned out, and will probably be whipping up a few more, because they're perfect for skipping in.

And I was also informed that she could wear them to ballet class, because they're perfect for spinning and dancing in as well.

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February 28, 2012

Faux Chenille Blanket

I don't know if you've seen some of the great faux chenille blankets floating around Blog Land, but I instantly fell in love with the idea when I came across this lovely version over at Aestetic Nest. You should definitely check out her tutorial, because it is excellent.

When I found Anneliese's tutorial, I decided I wanted to make a faux chenille blanket for the little cutie that I talked about in my last post. And here's how it turned out.

Unfortunately, I decided to do so just one week before I would be meeting him. My recommendation is to start this one early, because it is definitely time consuming.



But it was so worth it. With a cute, quilted print on one side and super soft, brightly colored "chenille" on the other, who couldn't love a blanket like this? Mommy and Daddy loved it so much they were using it themselves. I'm sure they'll give Daniel a chance to enjoy it, too.

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February 24, 2012

Appliqued Gifts

So don't judge, but the projects I'm about to share with you were Christmas gifts.

I know. It's February.

But in my defense, one of the receipiants just got his gift this past weekend, so I didn't want to spoil the gift by posting about it before he got it.

Okay, that makes it sounds worse. Maybe I should 'splain. He didn't get his gift because this little bundle of joy just joined the world on February 5th.

See? I couldn't put this one out there before he even got his gift, right? Right?!

But I digress. Onto the projects at hand. The first--appliqued stuffed blocks.

Daniel and Isaac, both sons of very good friends of our family, received the same gifts. They're babies and they're boys--a combination that makes gift making difficult.

But I came across this tutorial over at Sew Like My Mom and thought it was a great gift idea for the babies. Super cute and soft.

And for each of these little cuties to wear...

You can never go wrong with an appliqued onsie when it comes to babies, but an appliqued vest and tie? To. Die. For.

I came across this idea at Lemon Tree Creations. I used some fabric scraps I had on hand for the tie and black corduroy for the vest.

I'd like to be able to report that the boys simply adored their gifts, but, well, they're babies. But their parents loved them. :o)

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February 11, 2012

Linky Followers Blog Hop

Cheri from It's So Very Cheri started this awesome blog hop so we can all try to keep our Google Friend Connect followers!  

Here's what she said...

Many of you have probably already heard that GOOGLE Friend Connect will go away on Feb 29 for any one that is not with blogspot, but rumor has it that it is being completely phased out for everyone soon. 
There is good news

There is a NEW awesome tool–Linky Followers

It has so many amazing features (that GFC never had). If you have not signed up you should. (yes you can have both.) I love the new tool so much and want everyone to enjoy all the new features.

…and did I tell you its super easy and FREE!

What better way to celebrate a fun new blogging tool than to have a party so break out your poodle skirt and saddle back shoes cuz’ we’re having a LINKY FOLLOWER PARTY HOP~
1. you MUST have the LINKY FOLLOWERS tool on your site to participate.  {You can have both the LINKY FOLLOWERS & GFC on your site but you must have the LINKY FOLLOWERS to participate in this party hop.}

2. You MUST follow the person who has the party on their site as a thank you.

3.Just add your blog button to the LINKY PARTY below.

4.Then grab the BLOG HOP code

You will find the code right under the Linky Party where it says CLICK HERE TO ENTER–  just under that it says: WHAT IS A BLOG HOP? GET THE CODE HERE.  Click on "GET THE CODE HERE" and enter it into a post on your site.

You can grab the party button code in the FOOTER at Its So Very Cheri.  You can grab info from my post if it helps you with your post.

5. Then you follow other bloggers–(as many as you want) –leave each one of the blogs that you follow a comment letting them know you are following them and ask them to follow you back.

If you want to add the BLOG HOP to your own site you will get lots of new followers–(see rule #2)

…So do ya want to go Cruisin’?

I plan on HOPPING from BLOG to BLOG to follow everyone who follows me.
The internet it seems, never gets old.
Welcome to the new world of 
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
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