January 26, 2012

New Look, New Pages, New Buttons

You've probably already noticed the new look of Craft Anyway! Pretty nifty, huh? It's actually a premade template by Dani over at Blog Designs by Dani.

She has super cute premade templates, backgrounds, and headers (for free!), but she also takes custom template designs for as little as $50 and extras for as little as $3. I know right?

So thanks, Dani, for providing me with this awesome free template to spiff up Craft Anyway until I can afford to pay you. :o)

I've also added a couple of new pages that you can access from the Page Bar. It looks like this...

I did this to help clean up the home page, as I had many buttons starting to pile up between the blogs that I link up to and the blogs that have featured me (woo who!). So check out those pages, click on the buttons, and show them some love!

Now that you've looked at that wonderful Page Bar, you may also have noticed the page titled "Buttons." That's right folks, I have finally designed my own buttons.

Want a Craft Anyway! button? Of course you do! Have one, I insist.

<a href="http://craftanyway.blogspot.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1049.photobucket.com/albums/s388/mitchetr192/175button.jpg" alt="CraftAnyway" width="175" height="175" /></a>
Did I mention or feature your blog post? Want some recognition? I would. Do it up.

<a href="http://craftanyway.blogspot.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1049.photobucket.com/albums/s388/mitchetr192/175featuredbutton.jpg" alt="CraftAnyway" width="175" height="175" /></a>

So, although the changes come a little late for the new year, I'm pretty excited about them. If the changes cause you any problems with navigating or accessing any part of the blog, please let me know so that I can fix them! Enjoy!

{Also new, my signature!}
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